Start your puppy off on the right paw with a Puppy Wellness Care Package at THPHCC!
It is important that your new puppy be examined by a trusted veterinarian within a few days of acquiring. Vaccines protect your puppy and other dogs from potentially fatal illnesses. Just like human babies, puppies need basic immunizations to take over when maternal antibodies fade. The puppy vaccination series is one of the most important aspects of your dog's early life.
Puppies should be vaccinated every 3-4 weeks, starting at 6-8 weeks of age. A detailed vaccination plan that takes your puppy's "lifestyle" and risk of exposure to disease will be developed in consultation with you. There are core (everybody gets them) and non-core (Canine Influenza, Lyme disease, etc.) vaccines. We will develop a plan you have confidence in and are comfortable with. Routine vaccine visits also allow Dr. Donald Wood to see your puppy every few weeks and monitor their growth and overall health. In addition to vaccinations and routine testing, our veterinary team will discuss the best diet plan, the importance of a microchip, spaying/neutering, and behavior, all tailored for your puppy.
Refer to our online appointment request form to schedule your first visit!